Aaron Nauta

Director of AB First Aid Training and

AB Health & Fitness.

Where Fitness

Becomes Your Lifestyle

Welcome to Aaron Nauta's

Health & Fitness Journey!

Hey there, I'm Aaron Nauta – an enthusiastic Director at AB Health and Fitness in the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia. Fitness and well-being are not just my profession; they are my life's purpose.

From my early days in Canada to exploring the world, I've learned that positivity and a can-do attitude can conquer any challenge. As a highly trained and sought-after coach, I was humbled to be nominated for the prestigious Top Personal Trainer in Melbourne award in 2019.

My own journey through weight challenges fuels my empathy and understanding as I specialize in working with individuals striving for weight loss and overcoming injuries. Nothing brings me more joy than helping people like you achieve their fitness dreams, be it through personalized one-on-one training or energizing group sessions.

With a degree in Sports and Fitness Leadership from Swinburne University and a background in leadership, I've become a versatile instructor, ensuring that your needs are met and your potential is unleashed.

I've conquered 7 full marathons and various sporting events, but my true fulfillment comes from witnessing your victories. Let's push boundaries and make your aspirations a reality together!

Join me now, and let's begin this exciting journey to a healthier, happier, and more confident you. Your transformation awaits!



Power Fitness

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Interact with Aaron to our Services Below!

Personal Training

Fitness Class

First Aid Course

Personal Training You Actually Enjoy

Focused on slow and steady results, not big changes which aren’t sustainable.

Workouts are tailored to your fitness capabilities and designed to help you achieve your goals.

And we make it fun! You’ll enjoy having a personal trainer who challenges and inspires you.

You’ll look forward to visiting your new gym in Tullamarine, getting to know your personal trainer and meeting our experienced and friendly team.

Request a free intro call to get started.

Group Fitness Training You Actually Enjoy

Are you looking to improve your health in a fun and supportive community?

You’ll love working out in a small group in or outside of the gym at AB Health & Fitness.

We make every session fun! Our workouts involve a holistic approach. We ensure that all workouts involve a mix of strength training, cardiovascular endurance and balance to ensure that you can achieve your goals.


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About Our First Aid Courses

Our First Aid courses are taught by highly qualified instructors who have over 60 years combined industry experience. These courses are suitable for anyone and can be offered in a face to face, blended or online format, making them suitable for any style of learner.

Courses are competency-based, with content from the relevant units in the Health Training Package:

  • HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

  • HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting.

Get in Touch

Aaron Nauta

2/7-9 Butler Way,

Tullamarine VIC 3043

Email: aaron@abhealthandfitness.com

(03) 8364 8984

Get in Touch

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus,

Burnout Power Fitness

7292 Dictum Av.

San Antonio MI 47096

Email: info@burnout.com

Tel: 492 709-6392

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Copyright © 2022 - Aaron Nauta